fren+33 (0) 1 53 70 45 00
26, avenue Victor Hugo, 75116 Paris, France


Negotiation is always favored above other options in order to best serve the interests of our clients.

Reaching a settlement is always beneficial

Our Office always prioritizes convincing opposing parties that it is in the interest of all to negotiate.

During the negotiation process, talks may become unproductive in which case, a mediation is possible. Our skills in mediation allow us to be designated as the acting Mediator, as well as to accompany our clients throughout their legal or contractual mediation.

Why negotiate?

Litigations include different types of risks:

  • Cost
  • Duration
  • Unknown consequences
  • Legal risks
  • Difficulties enforcing decisions.

Litigations have limitations since they:

  • can serve only to resolve legal issues through legislative bodies and therefore, cannot resolve any other, non-legal, underlying problems.

Litigations lead to side effects which:

  • Create disorganization in the company. Managers are diverted from their normal operational and productive activities.
  • Require putting aside funds for legal risk which (i) reduces annual profits or increases companies’ losses and (ii) weakens their financing capacity.
  • Discourage new investors from contributing to the capital of companies wishing to expand.

Are you looking for legal help?

Call : +33 (0) 1 53 70 45 00