fren+33 (0) 1 53 70 45 00
26, avenue Victor Hugo, 75116 Paris, France


When a deadlock occurs, Mediation is a quick and efficient way of settling disputes.

Why mediation ?

Sometimes the dialogue is broken or hindered in which case, a mediation is possible.

Our skills in mediation allow us to be designated as the acting Mediator, as well as to accompany our clients throughout their legal or contractual mediation.

Mediation, in addition to providing an alternative to legal procedures when there is a lawsuit, can also be used to reach agreements concerning projects, building sites, changes, evolutions and transitions. Mediation can serve purely as a preventative measure.

Mediation is a process by which, with the help of one or two mediators, the parties, assisted by their attorneys, find a long-lasting solution themselves to overcome the dispute or stalemate.

The mediator is an unbiased, neutral and independent third party. who neither proposes, suggests, nor imposes a solution. His role is to create a context for dialogue between parties.

Mediation is a process which is:

  • Inexpensive
  • Confidential,  it is regulated by law
  • Quick, time limits are set in advance 
  • Protective of the interests of the parties, statute of limitation periods are interrupted
  • Unrestricted, there is a complete exploration of all aspects of the dispute 
  • Efficient, the parties build a joint solution that they have an interest in implementing

During Mediation one or both parties may discontinue the process at any time without reason.

Are you looking for legal help?

Call : +33 (0) 1 53 70 45 00